Teacher Tap

Checkered FlagSocial Technology

Use online tools to connect people for sharing, interaction, and collaboration.

Old Way - Mail or email people.

New Way - Connect through networks.

Explore Tools

Hot Choice: Live - Today's Meet
Hot Choice: Social Network Builder
- Ning, English Companion Example

  1. Social Networks:
  2. Tools for Building Networks: Ning, Think
  3. Course Management Systems - Moodle - escrapbooking moodle, NiceNet
  4. Real-time Communication - Skype (Audio), Today's Meet (Text)
  5. Forum Tools - use these tools to find existing groups or create your own

Design Projects

  1. Virtual Book Clubs - Library Thing Book Discussions
  2. Virtual Conferences and Get Togethers - Campfire Discussions
  3. Class Discussions
  4. Virtual Library Services - Homework help, virtual library services
  5. Support Services - Connecting students with special needs, gifted, talented, exchanges

Avoid Wrecks

  1. Create strict guidelines for use in terms of personal information.
  2. Focus on a specific learning outcome.
  3. Be sure you have the bandwidth before using 3D virtual worlds like Second Life.
  4. Select an ad-free service.
  5. Install software on your own service to restrict access.

carPit Stop
Let's explore LibraryThing. Explore eduscapes LibraryThing.
Let's use Today's Meet at http://todaysmeet.com/ncce to share our favorite idea from the workshop.

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