Divergent convergence: Conclusion

We can't treat students like robots on the assembly line because they're more like cats... independent thinkers.

They need tools such as Glogster that allow them to show their understandings through creative works.

Looking back, we had few resources and limited options for building learning environments. However looking forward, we have many tools to help students become independent thinkers.

Learn more in my article Convergence Divergence in the June 2010 and October 2010 issues of Teacher Librarian.


Amphibious: Notes on the Emergence of a New Kind of Art by Sean Stewart. Available: http://www.seanstewart.org/interactive/

Exocog: A case study of a new genre in storytelling by Jim Miller. Miramontes Computing (November, 2004)

Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide by Henry Jenkins (2006. New York University Press.

Convergence Culture Web Blog

End of article. Go to Next Section: Reading and Transmedia

| Fluid | Overview | Thinking | Divergent | Convergent | Making it Happen | Conclusion