READING IN AN IPAD TRANSMEDIA UNIVERSE: Revisiting Content - Fiction and Nonfiction

Content is the information contained in the reading experience that provides value for the learner.

SpaceheadzIn this transmedia world, it's going to be more important than ever for young people to be able to evaluate information and distinguish fact from fiction. Scholastic Bookflix is a subscription service that pairs fiction and nonfiction reading to provide this foundation.

How do fiction and nonfiction differ?

Traditional fiction is a representation that is invented, imaginary, and not factual, while nonfiction is information that is real, truthful, and factual. What happens in augmented or alternative reality situations when you're in a fictional world working with informational materials? Or, you're in the real world working with fictional materials?

In the intermediate level fiction book titled Spaceheadz by Jon Scieszka, readers are taken to information websites. They look like nonfiction websites, but are they really fiction because they're invented for use with the book? Examples include SPHDZ, Anti-alien Agency, and Mrs. Halley's Comets class.

Is transmedia storytelling changing how people think about fiction and nonfiction?

Go to Next Part 2: Features

Fluid | Reading Overview | History | Redefining | Environments | Fiction vs Nonfiction | Features| Issues