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Video Resources

Think about ways to integrate professionally produced video into your classroom.

Explore Teachers' Doman: Digital Media for Classroom and Professional Development.

Video Resource Across the Curriculum

Downloading Video

Download videos rather than stream them. Store in a shared class folder.

Safe Viewing

If you don't have access to YouTube, you can use one of the following safe viewing tools. However be sure to check with your technology department to be sure this is acceptable. Use of these tools may not be permitted under your Acceptable Use Policy.

Teacher Resources on Video Production

Evaluate It

Just as you need to carefully select websites, it’s important to think about your criteria for choosing web-based videos. As you evaluate a Web-based video, examine the website hosting the resource and any background information that might be found on the page where the video is located. This can give you clues about the original of the content. Also, look for information in the beginning and ending credits of the video. As you explore the options, ask yourself the following questions(excerpt from Video and the Web Part 1: More the Flickers on the Screen (PDF)):

Authority. Who wrote, developed, and produced the video? Is it sponsored by a specific organization? PBS, National Geographic, and other well-known producers provide video segments as part of their website content. It’s more difficult to determine the origin of videos found at YouTube or other video sharing sites.
Objectivity. Was the video designed to be informational, instructional, persuasive, or simply entertaining? Is the content biased? Think about perspective. Is more than one view represented? An increasing number of websites have emerged claming to be “pro-environment” however they sometimes only represent a particular viewpoint such as the lumber or oil industry.

Authenticity. Is the information reliable and accurate? Know the source. It’s easy for anyone with a video camera to invent content. Like evaluating print resources, young people are likely to believe what they see. It’s important to find multiple resources that substantiate the claims and ideas presented in the video.

Timeliness. Is the information current or does it clearly identify the time period it represents? Tools allow producers to easily convert old films and video programs to a Web-based format. Students often assume that video they find is “new” because it’s digital, however it may be decades old.

Relevance. Is the information useful? Think about whether you need this information. With thousands of videos available, it’s easy to be overloaded with resources. Would a book, photograph, live demonstration, or short video segment be as effective as an entire video program? Look for videos relating to current events that might not be available in other formats.

Efficiency. Is this information worth the effort? How is the video accessed? Can young people link directly to the video or download the file? Think about the organization and speed of information access. Are special plug-ins or software needed for viewing? Does advertising on the Webpage or embedded in the video distract from the content?

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